
The NoSleep Podcast Illustrated Trading Card Set: NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER!

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Check out the Kick­starter campaign!

Bring the night­mares home

Those of you who fol­low me on Twit­ter have prob­a­bly seen me drone on about it, but for the rest of you, this year’s Hal­loween brings a very spe­cial hor­ror sur­prise.

Intro­duc­ing: the NoSleep Pod­cast Illus­trat­ed Trad­ing Card Set! Sev­en­teen artists from the NoSleep realm have joined forces under the ban­ner of our fear­less leader, Char­lie Cody, to launch a Kick­starter cam­paign that brings the art of the NoSleep Pod­cast to your home!

In total, the project will yield 120 col­lectible cards fea­tur­ing art­work from the amaz­ing ros­ter of the show’s illus­tra­tors. I am very proud to add my art to this amaz­ing col­lec­tion and also hon­ored to announce that my part in this project also includ­ed design­ing the lay­out for the cards.

The front of the trading cards

I’m intrigued, tell me more!

Glad­ly, hypo­thet­i­cal per­son I’m using as a rhetoric device!

The card set fea­tures a base set of 100 cards, show­cas­ing the work of one of sev­en­teen illus­tra­tors. The front (see above) promi­nent­ly fea­tures the art­work, the NoSleep Pod­cast Illus­trat­ed logo, and the artist’s signature.

On the back (see below), you find addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion about the art­work: the name of the piece, the story’s author, and all voice actors con­tribut­ing to the episode, as well as the artist’s website.

In addi­tion to those 100 base cards, the project includes 20 spe­cial sticker/​puzzle cards. These cards show­case a curat­ed piece, specif­i­cal­ly cho­sen by each illus­tra­tor (bet you can’t guess which I chose!). I also did the design for those cards, but I won’t show you quite yet. ;) 

All I can say for now is that Char­lie has made sure that these 20 cards will receive spe­cial atten­tion in the print­ing process and will look pos­i­tive­ly amazing.

The back of the trading cards

That sounds cool! How can I get some cards?

Well, head on over to the Kick­starter cam­paign!

For as low as $10 USD, you can get your hands/​claws/​tentacly appendages on a a sealed boost­er pack of the trad­ing cards. Each pack con­tains 7 ran­dom cards from the base set plus one ran­dom spe­cial sticker/​puzzle card.

Oh, you’re a com­ple­tion­ist and want to own all 120 cards? No prob­lem! The cam­paign offers the com­plete set, pre­sent­ed in a unique, rus­tic wood­en box! Act fast, because those are cur­rent­ly lim­it­ed to 10 backers!
Sad­ly, those 10 back­ers already act­ed fast. I will keep you updat­ed if/​when the com­plete box set comes back in stock.


Cool! What else can I get?

While we plan to also sell the trad­ing cards after the Kick­starter cam­paign ends, many of us artists have also con­tributed addi­tion­al rewards that you can only get while it is running.

  • Ride along with Charlie!

    This tier gives you access to an exclu­sive mail­ing list in which Char­lie will take you by the metaphor­i­cal hand and show you the entire process of cre­at­ing a new NoSleep art­work from start to fin­ish. In addi­tion, you will also receive a high-qual­i­ty art print of the fin­ished work!

  • Sketch cards!

    Own your own piece of unique hor­ror art with the NoSleep Illus­trat­ed Sketch Cards! Back­ers on this lev­el will receive a hand-craft­ed sketch from one of the artists, done on a spe­cial card lay­out mea­sur­ing 2.5“x3.5″.
    The sketch card artists are: Char­lie Cody, Lis­sa Quon, Unka Odya, Mark Valen­zuela Pel­ham, and yours truly.

  • Orig­i­nal artwork!

    Char­lie Cody and Jen Tra­cy are both pro­vid­ing one of their orig­i­nal NoSleep art­work for one lucky backer each! Both art­works are the very same used for the episode art and done in tra­di­tion­al media (air­brush in Charlie’s case, water­col­or and ink in Jen’s).

  • Com­mis­sion a NoSleep artist!

    Did you always want to hire one of the NoSleep artists to bring your own twist­ed hor­ror visions to life? Did you have a par­tic­u­lar­ly cre­ative night­mare you want to show the world? Now is your chance to com­mis­sion a NoSleep illustrator!
    Sabu, Alex­is Bris­towe, and me each will draw an exclu­sive, brand-new, NoSleep-inspired art­work for a lucky backer.
    Your will is our command.

The Kick­starter cam­paign will run for the entire month of Novem­ber, so you still have some time to get in on the action.
Not only will you own a phys­i­cal piece of NoSleep his­to­ry and the guar­an­teed jeal­ousy of all your friends, you will also do an impor­tant part in sup­port­ing inde­pen­dent art and keep­ing hor­ror art undead alive and kicking.

To all of you who have already con­tributed to the project: Thank you, from the bot­tom of my heart.
You make all the hard work worth it.

I love you all.