- by Jörn Meyer
- published
HelÂlo friends!
Man, SeaÂson 13 is figÂuÂraÂtiveÂly kickÂing my butt!
It feels like only yesÂterÂday that I postÂed my artÂwork ​“The GradÂuÂaÂtion”, and now I already finÂished my next drawÂing for SeaÂson 13 Episode 17.
EmbedÂded conÂtent: https://​twit​ter​.com/​J​o​e​r​n​D​r​a​w​s​/​s​t​a​t​u​s​/​1​1​8​0​0​7​7​8​4​7​1​1​9​1​06054
As usuÂal, before I start talkÂing about how this piece came to be, let me start off by showÂing you my artwork!
Under JolÂly Roger
I was out of town for a work trip to Berlin, our wonÂderÂful capÂiÂtal, when I received my work assignÂment, so I had the pleaÂsure of readÂing this week’s aweÂsome stoÂries while sitÂting in an uncomÂfortÂable seat, waitÂing for my plane.
“Dinosaur Bones”, by author Robert JackÂson, immeÂdiÂateÂly caught my eye. The stoÂry revolves around a teacher payÂing a visÂit to a father whose child brought an actuÂal, honÂest-to-god dinosaur bone to show and tell.
FurÂther mysÂterÂies in the stoÂry, which I won’t spoil here, include a not-quite-ordiÂnary plasÂtic shovÂel. And this is what made the idea for the illusÂtraÂtion pop up in my head! I was going to go for a skull and crossÂbones type illusÂtraÂtion, as you can often see on the ships of HolÂlyÂwood pirates (othÂerÂwise known as JolÂly Roger).
While the stoÂry itself sadÂly feaÂtures no pirates, I decidÂed the iconogÂraÂphy is iconÂic enough to stand on its own. All that was left to do for my sketch was replace one of the bones with a plasÂtic shovÂel, and voilĂ ! An idea was born.
DigÂging for refÂerÂences — get it?
The first step, as usuÂal, was digÂging for refÂerÂences! For paintÂings to stand out as believÂable, a good refÂerÂence to work off is paramount.
First of all, I reached into my toolÂbox and pulled out the fanÂtasÂtic Skull SketchÂer!
EmbedÂded conÂtent: https://​anato​my360​.info/​s​k​u​l​l​-​s​k​e​t​c​h​e​r-v2/
This free tool lets you pose a realÂisÂtic renÂderÂing of a human skull, adjust the lightÂing, and export the result as a high-res JPEG! Since I disÂcovÂered it, Skull SketchÂer is a very stanÂdard tool in my repertoire.
I found the refÂerÂence for the dinosaur bone on the webÂsite of a British museÂum. Let me just say, museÂum curaÂtors are doing god’s work. High resÂoÂluÂtion refÂerÂence images in good lighting…an artist’s dream!
LastÂly, the refÂerÂence image for the plasÂtic shovÂel was a quick web search. Believe me, there are tons of images of children’s toys!
CraftÂing a sigil
WarnÂing: SpoilÂers ahead!
When I was done with the paintÂing, I ran into the probÂlem that the space of the skull’s foreÂhead looked a bit…empty. NothÂing quite like a glowÂing magÂic sigÂil to spice up an illusÂtraÂtion for a superÂnatÂurÂal story!
To creÂate a sigÂil that looked like more than ranÂdom scribÂbles, I folÂlowed along this wonÂderÂful artiÂcle: SigÂils and Seals.
As a goal stateÂment, I chose ​“My Goal — Return To Life”. After I folÂlowed along to the artiÂcle, I had a shortÂened goal stateÂment (MYWUNOF!) and a sigÂil I was very hapÂpy with!
After drawÂing it on the skull, at that was left to do is add some soil texÂture to the backÂground for conÂtrast and add the glowÂing blue halo to give the image that last visuÂal pop I think it needed.
“Dinosaur Bones” was a blast to draw, and I realÂly hope you check out the stoÂry. I enjoyed it a lot.
Until next time, my lovelies,