- by Jörn Meyer
- published
âYou always forÂget my denÂtures, Holly!â
In this weekâs episode of the NoSleep podÂcast, the proÂtagÂoÂnist of the titÂuÂlar stoÂry Mr. Clacky-Teeth makes relucÂtant acquainÂtance with her roommateâs stuffed bunÂny slash venÂtrilÂoÂquist dummy.
While she gets an eerie vibe from the toy right away, she ignores it at her own perÂil until she finds herÂself forced into findÂing out about the hisÂtoÂry of the rabbitâs denÂtures.
EmuÂlate anothÂer style? Or do my own thing?
As I have menÂtioned in the past, I try to not spoil the storyâs reveal of the creaÂture if they have some kind of monÂster in them, but in this case, since the rabÂbit is introÂduced in the first scene, I thought I could make an exception.
Besides, who could resistÂing drawÂing this smile?
The image of the pupÂpet formed in my head pretÂty quickÂly; and the final result endÂed up lookÂing pretÂty close to my origÂiÂnal idea. For the backÂground, howÂevÂer, I had to decide between two very difÂferÂent ideas.
The first idea is the one that made it into the final artÂwork. Since the girl in the stoÂry uses Mr. Clacky-Teeth as a venÂtrilÂoÂquist dumÂmy in a standup rouÂtine, I sat him on a bar stool onstage in a dimÂly lit cafĂ©.
The secÂond idea would have endÂed up blindÂingÂly colÂorÂful. The stoÂry tells us that Mr. Clacky-Teethâs ownÂer HolÂly hangs a poster feaÂturÂing the artÂwork of Lisa Frank. If youâre from outÂside the US like I am, you might not have heard of herâââin that case I strongÂly recÂomÂmend clickÂing that link and lookÂing at her art.
It isâââand I can say that withÂout hyperÂboleâââan aweÂsome experience.
Her style is so unique in fact, that I shied away from tryÂing to emuÂlate it. I nevÂer worked in her overÂly carÂtoony, bright and over-the-top style, and tryÂing to bring myself up to speed to do her jusÂtice seemed like a largÂer task than I could tackÂle in the time I had at my disposal.
So! DimÂly lit stand-up cafĂ© it is!
An unwitÂting model
ShortÂly after the episode was released this SunÂday, LindÂsay Moore, the storyâs author conÂtactÂed me on Twitter.
âIt looks uncanÂniÂly like the inspiÂraÂtion for MisÂter Clacky-Teeth,â she wrote. ââHow did you know what my childÂhood bunÂny looks like?!â
One could argue that toy bunÂnies look someÂwhat alike, but Iâm still hapÂpy that I unwitÂtingÂly chose a likeÂliÂness for her imagÂined creaÂture that made her think of her childÂhood toy.
I love my job so much.