
Sketch: Panïvar, the Broken Promise

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Hel­lo folks!

I’m cur­rent­ly work­ing on two dif­fer­ent com­mis­sions, and since I can’t show you these yet (no spoil­ing the fun!), I want to present you with some­thing special.

Dear read­er, may I intro­duce to you:


Panï­var, the Bro­ken Promise

Panï­var is my first draw­ing for a project with the work­ing title Beneath Two Pale Suns. It’s a per­son­al project in which I want to explore a new art style and exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent ideas in the weird fan­ta­sy genre.

The project will be set in a name­less par­al­lel uni­verse, in which human life as we know it nev­er devel­oped and into which only some us will ever tread. It’s a vast desert land­scape with ancient, long for­got­ten cul­tures that oper­ates under rules of physics which will seem alien, illog­i­cal and some­times down­right hos­tile to us humans.

While the denizens of this uni­verse are usu­al­ly not direct­ly hos­tile towards humankind, you should watch out all the same, should you ever find your­self beneath the twin wan suns. The place was not designed for humans to walk.

I first explored the idea of this world in a short sto­ry named Word & Col­or” that I wrote for the NoSleep podcast.

If you’re a sea­son pass mem­ber of the pod­cast, you can lis­ten to stel­lar pro­duc­tion in S09E03. David Ault & Eri­ka Sander­son fuck­ing nailed this.

You can also read the sto­ry here:

Read Word & Col­or for free here

I hope you guys enjoy the sketch so far, and I will — of course — keep you post­ed on the progress of this piece! Fur­ther­more, I plan to write up a piece on back­ground lore for her that is devel­op­ing nice­ly so far.

All the best,